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Brunel in the West       Paul White

978-1-906474-66-9       £3.99   Order info

The great engineer Isambard Kingdom Brunel had a number of West country connections, and many of his achievements are still visible here. This is a brief biography, concentrating on the West Country aspects of his life.

Druids in the South-West?       Paul White

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Between about 1740 and 1860 it was widely believed that ‘the Druids’ had built the stone circles of Cornwall, and even what we now know are natural rock formations, such as the Cheesewring. How did the mistake occur? And who really were the Druids? A serious book which will make you laugh.
King Arthur: man or myth? (2nd edition)       Paul White

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A short and very readable summary of the historical and literary evidence for readers who want to explore the possible existence of a 'real' Arthur without learning Latin and Early Welsh!
King Arthur's footsteps       Paul White

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If King Arthur was a real historical figure, he almost certainly lived in Dumnonia, the post-Roman kingdom which included Cornwall, Devon and part of Somerset. Here Paul White explores places across the south west traditionally associated with Arthur and recommends those most likely to provide an enjoyable visit.
Smuggling recipes     Carolyn Martin

978-1-915664-17-4      £3.99   Order info

For this appetising book Carolyn Martin researched and adapted genuine 18th- and 19th-century recipes which used smuggled ingredients – not just alcohol but also tea, chocolate and highly taxed sugar.


Spies, Lies and Books James Whinray

978-1-915664-19-8       £3.99   Order info

West Country spies including Guy Burgess, John le Carré and ‘M’, famous writers suspected of spying and thrown out of their holiday homes including Wordsworth, DH Lawrence and Henry Williamson, and fraudsters who used much the same tricks as spies.

Weirdest buildings of the West Country       Robert Hesketh

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A chapel sprouting from the rocks, the last castle built in England (in the twentieth century), a pub built like a pack of cards, a lighthouse built on stilts – the West Country has more than its fair share of architectural oddities worth visiting.
West country Scandals       James Whinray

978-1-915664-12-9       £3.99
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A bigamous duchess, an actress who ensnared a teenage Prince of Wales, three self-proclaimed Messiahs – these scandalous stories shocked (and entertained) previous generations but now throw light on the past.
Classic boats of the West Country      Ian Heard

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A sketchbook of working and leisure craft which can still be seen in local harbours, with notes on their history.

Bossiney Books is the imprint of Bossiney Books Ltd, a publishing house founded in North Cornwall in the 1970s,
since 1997 owned and run by Paul and Jane White, and now by Paul White and Matt Devenish.
We specialise in books about the West Country, particularly Devon and Cornwall.

Registered in England No. 4610182 VAT Registration No. 694470305 Directors PF White and MJ Devenish

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